Monday, February 18, 2008

Amateur Hour at MJS

Apparently the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal couldn't find a better picture of Wisconsin's Lt. Governor from the Founders Day Gala than this one: Give me a break! This kind of a move from MJS is, at best, amateur and unprofessional.


Suchita S said...

Well hello, Chris VE, first of all!

I agree with you completely on the photo problem. It seems like everytime they (the media) prints a photo of Senator Clinton or powerful women getting excited, they need to contrast it with the powerful men and Senator Obama being cool and collected. The Boston Herald had a good piece about this a few days ago.

Erik Opsal said...

Conflict of interest alert!

Chris VE said...

EO, you cannot be serious...

Compassionate Badger said...

i agree with erik...i think there might be a conflict of interest