Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pennsylvania Primary

In the past month of Primary season in what is becoming the Batton Death March to the White House, the Democratic Primary has descended into a spiral of ridiculousness, rivaled only by the writing on CSI. Upon completion of this post, I will follow up shortly with one of substance, dealing with an issue of real significance (unlike the bickering that has been going on in the Keystone state). However, I feel it is necessary to point out the absurdity that both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (although to a lesser degree) have brought to the campaign for the presidency. It has gotten to the point where I have simply lost interest. When I hear of the latest "scandal" or "attack," the story registers no emotional value and I sort-of nod my head at the TV, my eyes a bit glazed over and a blank stare crossing my face. Is this a bit cynical of me? Perhaps. But in reality, this campaign has strayed so far from anything resembling a substantive debate that it doesn't deserve my attention (or anyone elses for that matter) at this point. The fact of the matter is that Obama remains clearly ahead, and barring an apocalyptic collapse, he will be the next nominee for President from the Democratic Party. If HRC wants to contest this, fine. But until the two candidates start talking about the things that matter, like the issues involved in small town poverty or health care or the country's direction, I will choose to occupy my time with something of greater value (watching old reruns of Crossfire perhaps?).

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