Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Get Well Teddy

Off to the side of my blog, I have always displayed a picture of former Senator and presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy, a man whom I have always idolized and held in the highest regard. His brother, Senator Ted Kennedy, has served the country in the same spirit that he served. The news today of Sen. Ted Kennedy's malignant brain tumor has been both shocking and disheartening to all Americans. Since 1962, Sen. Kennedy and his family have fought for those in our country that have not had the voice to fight for themselves. He has advocated for children, the underserved, healthcare for all citizens, and innumerable other causes which have made the United States a better place. His undying spirit and commanding oratory have been staples in the US Senate over the past 40 plus years.

Beyond politics, Sen. Kennedy's distinguished honor has gained him the respect and love of Senators and Representives, regardless of political party. Colleagues and citizens alike have described him as a man of great courage and steadfast dedication, a man that is willing to cross party lines to compromise in order to pass legislation that would otherwise remain stuck in Congress. Sen. Kennedy has become a living institution in the Senate. His public service has been unmatched in American history. On this day I hope for Sen. Kennedy's healthy recovery and pray that we all can once again see him advocating for the people he has so diligently served in his term as a US Senator.

Get well Teddy.

1 comment:

Compassionate Badger said...

couldn't have said it better

best wishes to the liberal lion!